Strappy Leaf Plants on The Bluedale Plants Online Show, Episode #26

Just like we’ve gone throughout the whole series of videos, when ever we get to a new grouping of plants I talk a little bit about the category in general terms first.

This week (and in the coming weeks we’re going to be talking about strappy leaf plants. A strappy leaf plant is a native plant that’s a grass-like plant but is not actually a true grass. I’ve talked about what is categorised as a true grass in past episodes.

Strappy Leaf Plants. Little Jess™ Dianella

Click on the photo above to watch this on video…

Strappy leaf plants are plants like Lomandra and Dianella, anything that has a flower and as the term suggests a strap-like foliage. So they’re great plants, very popular for people who are wanting to do mass planting in their garden and filling large areas in the garden with lots of foliage.

There’s such a range of plants with in the strappy leaf range so we have plants that are 200mm to 300mm high, that’s 20cm to 30cm high all the way through to plants that can get to 1.5 metres.

So with in that whole range naturally your going to have a whole range of different uses. A lot of the smaller plants are great for garden borders or along the edges of path ways or near a garden that may be underneath a window of the house, you know, you want to have a garden there but you don’t want something that’s going to  either block the view or put too much shade into the house.

So you’ve got small plants which are great little border plants and can be used in rockeries, can be used as little ground covers etc…

Then you’ve got the bigger ones which are good filler plants or backdrop plants and then even bigger ones, say 1.5 metres high which are great for screening or you might have a back fence that you don’t want to see or might have a fence and you’ve got neighbours next door and you want to get a bit of privacy so you can use these taller plants to great effect as a hedge or as a backdrop and then you have some really nice ornamental plants in front of it.

So strappy leaf plants are very versatile like that from edges all the way through t screening and pretty much everything else in between. Anywhere where you may need to put a group of plants together and get a really nice foliage effect.

Next week we’re going to be talking about a plant called Slender Matt Rush or it’s botanical name Lomandra Hystrix, a very popular plant.

Click here for more info on Strappy Leaf Plants

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