Bluedale Wholesale Nursery has had a Facelift

In November 2012, Bluedale engaged Visual Edge, a graphic design company in Port Macquarie, to modernise our company logo. The result is a modern and funky logo of a germinating seed that we believe represents Bluedale’s values as a modern, growing business.


Bluedale’s new logo is now featured on our wholesale website

Landscapers, developers, civil contractors and Local Government will find a wealth of information on this wholesale site. Plant descriptions, technical information and photo galleries focus on commercial and domestic projects, subdivisions, constructed wetlands, rain gardens, detention basins, erosion control, revegetation, street scapes and roadside landscapes.

Key features of the website;

  • Plant selection details:  As well as Native Grasses and Wetland Plants, the Bluedale range has now been extended to include Native Trees and Shrubs. Each plant in our selection is beautifully photographed and extensively profiled to assist you in making the best choice for your project.
  • Bluedale Catalogue: a 48 page publication with detailed plant descriptions, cultivation requirements, planting rates and a description of uses, render this catalogue a useful reference tool as well as an annual buying guide.
  • Picture Gallery: Here you will find over 100 photographs, showing projects for which we have supplied plants as well as other projects where plants have been used to great effect. These images will further your understanding of the many facets, design possibilities and uses of our plants.
  • Useful Articles: Bluedale takes pride in keeping up to date with the latest developments as it monitors the application of its plant products to the landscape. Regular articles are posted to inform customers of new plant releases, profile plants in our selection, developments at the nursery itself and case study projects where our plants have been utilised.
  • Currently Availably List: Updated regularly this list largely includes plants available as Viro-tubes (50X50X90mm), 140mm pots. It is designed to give customers an idea of the plant numbers we have available, however we encourage you to contact us if you wish to discuss a large volume order.

For enquires call today 02 6586 0100 or visit and use the email link.

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