

Snake Vine Hibbertia scandens on The Bluedale Plants Online Show, Episode #21

This week we’re going to be continuing on with the groundcovers section of the website that we’ve been talking about which we started last week. We spoke about Aussie Rambler last week and this week I want to talk about another plant that is called Hibbertia scandens or the common name is Snake Vine.

Groundcover Plants

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Now Hibbertia is a native sprawling plant which forms small in the garden. It will cover large areas. It’s good for rockeries, good for people who want to have something that trails over a retaining wall, rocks or other features in the garden.

It’s very easy to contain, it doesn’t get out of hand. What’s more it has beautiful yellow flowers which are a really good contrast with other flowering plants.

You can also use Snake Vine Hibbertia as a filler plant and mass planted it will give you a really good groundcover. It will cover the ground completely which is really good at keeping weeds at bay.

The nature of the plant – being a sprawling plant – it may just need a little bit of trimming here and there if it starts getting out of shape a little bit but apart from that it’s very easy to use and requires very little maintenance.

Snake Vine Hibbertia is generally more suited to coastal climates and is a little bit frost sensitive so if you’re in a frost prone area – particularly  if you get heavy frost, light frost isn’t too much of a problem but heavy frost could be damaging to the foliage – it may defoliate a little bit under heavy frost. Generally speaking the coastal conditions from Brisbane, Sydney NSW, in to Victoria it’ll do really well.

Because Snake Vine Hibbertia is a sprawler it does send out runners and tendrils in affect that cover the ground. Occasionally it may want to get in to other areas of the garden. Not that it actually throws suckers or sets down roots or anything like that but it just may sorta move in to areas where you might want to keep it away from so you just give it a hair cut.

If it is trailing over retaining wall and starts getting too long then you just give it a trim. It’s very easy to maintain. It’s not something that is going to get out of control so I don’t want to scare people off by saying that it might because it won’t but it really is a very easily maintained plant.

On the website we have Snake Vine available in the 140mm pot as well as the Viro-Tube 10 Packs.

For more information or to buy Snake Vine click here…