




How Bluedale Plants Online Got Started:

My career in Horticulture actually started back in the early eighties when I studied Horticulture through Charlestown TAFE. From there I had a number of other businesses, landscape businesses but then about 10 years ago I started up a wholesale production nursery called Bluedale Wholesale Nursery which specializes in native grasses and wetland plants.

Our focus was the commercial landscape market, so we did a number of commercial projects and have continued to do that over the time.

One of the latest ones was the Kempsy bypass project which was a large project that completed just before easter in 2013.

From there we developed a wholesale website. and we noticed we were getting a lot of calls from home gardeners who were frustrated that they couldn’t find plants they wanted at their local nursery.

Because lots of the local nurseries are actually closing down due to the impact of bigger stores like Bunnings, and the super stores, they really weren’t getting the service and they came to us looking for plants they couldn’t actually buy locally.

From that we thought we can see a need and have what they’re looking for.

We developed the Bluedale Plants Online website with a full shopping cart so people can actually look online, browse, find plants and there are pictures of the plants on there. They can easily move from the individual plant profile to a shopping cart and actually purchase online.

Payments can be made via Paypal and then their plants are actually delivered to their door or to their nominated postal address.

Check out these ranges:

Grasses and Ground Covers   Trees and Shrubs   Garden Accessories